Rick Santorum
There are a lot of things that bothers me about Mr. Santorum. Yes, his view on homosexuality and gay marriage are twisted, but that is not what I want to write about today. There is one other thing in particular that really bugs me, and that is his view on abortion, and therefor his view on women's rights. Rick Santorum says he believes in life and that it is very clear to him that life begins at conception, and accordingly he is against abortion. In the case of rape he thinks that woman should try to, "Make the best out of a bad situation". She should also, "accept this horribly created, but nevertheless, a gift...” regardless if it was given to her in a very "broken" way, as he put it. He has stated that the life that results from a rape is innocent and deserving of the protection of the constitution. I wonder what happens if you don't believe in God, and what about the protections of women's reproductive rights?
Santorum believe that Obama's support of women's reproductive rights are radical and extreme. He wants to see Roe vs Wade overturned. For those who don't know what Roe vs Wade is, it's a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court on the issue of abortion, saying that abortion is legal in the US. In 1973 the court declared that women's unrestricted access to abortion is part of the right to privacy guaranteed by the U.S Constitution. It also basically states that a woman should be able to control her own body.
Santorum has said that he would not try to take away contraception for women and men, but he believes that states should be free to ban them if they want. He thinks birth control, even within marriage, violates his believes as a Catholic. Santorum suggests we support healthier alternatives like abstinence. I suggest he should get over himself and face the unfortunate, “radical” reality that people are not going to stop having sex. He might be happy with having seven home schooled children, but that does not mean that everyone else wants the same. Someone should have told Santorum that the way into a woman’s pant’s should not be through regulating laws that take her rights away. This is not the right way to try to woo women voters. As I see it, Rick Santorum is a late gift for the America of 1692, and a perfectly wrapped present for Obama in the fall election.
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