torsdag 22 april 2010

Laws against burkas and niqabs in public places


Today the government in Belgium is gonna vote about women wearing burkas and niqabs in public places. There is a suggestion that this should be fobidden and the punishment if you still wear it can be prison. I think this is silly. I do not understand why. The reason that has been given is that this law is important from a security and a moral stand point. A moral stand point? What does that mean in this context? It is also said that the liberty and independence for women is very important in Belgium. I can understand that argument to some extent, but I do think that there is another side to this as well. One thing is that this law might stop some women from leaving theire homes and I also believe that it can be dangerous telling people what to not wear.

There are more nations in Europe that are debating this issue. I know that it has been a topic in Denmark for a while. Which is interesting since there are no women wearing burkas in Denmark, and a very few wearing a niqab. The university of Copenhagen has done some research on this topic, and it has shown that about 50% of the women in Denmark wearing niqabs are Danish women that has converted to Islam.

But mostly I think there are bigger problems in Europe that needs to be solved and forbidden, like bootleg jeans, because they are ugly. ; )