lördag 22 augusti 2009

Video killed the Radio Star

Did your old TV travel more than you? Probably!

In Europe, 8,7 million tonne of electronical waste is being thrown out each year. Only 25 % of that is being recycled. Keep in mind that these numbers only estimates the European Union, add the US and other nations that are developing fast, and the numbers will be even higher.

It is somewhat uncertain where the rest of the junk goes. We know that Africa and Asia are two popular destinations for the garbage. Here still usable metals are being set apart from the rest of the junk, this job is preformed by the local population, (also children). Everyting that cannot be used is burnt. This procedure is very poisonous for the environment. Since we have figured out such a great way to keep our part of the planet clean we should just keep on buying a new phone every half year, and please make sure your TV is the best!


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