lördag 6 december 2008

Yes We Can....Not!

Good Morning everyone!

So I was thinking about how Sweden and other Western States love to point their finger at other states they believe are treating their women wrong and how they should promote womens rights. Yes womens rights are good and of course women should be treated equal and yada yada yada.

So the other week the news told us that Mona Sahlin (the leader of the Social Democrats) is losing voters, and in a study it was shown that the people who now are choosing not to vote for the Social Democrats are white middle aged men. Here we go again!

So why is it that Sweden still has not had one single women prime minister when for example Pakistan and India has done it. Here I was, thinking we were the ones who had the right to point our fingers. We should probably stop pointing them at others and start looking at ourselves. Studies show that Sweden, Norway, Finland and Iceland are the countries that top the list of the most gender equal states in the world. Sweden actually is number one. Yet Finland has had women leaders not Sweden.

I don't think that Sweden will have a women prime minister anytime soon. So to the question if we can. No not really, not yet anyway! Sadly.

Auf Wiedersehen

Link to see the study of the most gender equal nations:

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