Today I read a story about a young man who has lived almost all his life in a refugee camp. He came there at the age of two, and is still living there at the age of 22.
This refugee camp is found in Kenya, close to the Somalian border. It's the largest of it's kind in the whole world, with about 440 000 refugees, (about 80 percent of those are women and children). Every day more and more people arrive, but the camp has reached it's capacity.
The man who has been living in this camp for 20 years has no homeland. He dreams about moving to either Sweden or the USA. If I was to give my advice, I would recommend the US. Why?, you ask, because at the moment Sweden is struggling with internal problems regarding immigration. I like to call this problem The Swedish Democrats. If I never made this statement before I will make it now. The fact that they got in to the Swedish Government during the last elections makes me ashamed of Sweden. A lot of people point out that this is an ongoing trend in all of Europe, racist parties getting a lot of votes. Okay, so what? It is still unexceptionable. This 'trend' brings one thing to my mind. The time before and after WW II. The world agreed; Never Again'!
Horrifying images from Concentration Camps made us promise ourselves that this cannot happen again. Together we now had a collective memory of perhaps the most darkest and cruelest act by humans. Human beings are certainly not perfect, neither are their memory.