I was just surfing around the web today and thought I wanted to check up on Afghanistan, and the progress of the rights of women. In 2001 Bush and his administration mentioned human rights and the liberation of women as an excuse to invade the country. So let's see how that's been going.
According to a article by RAWA, released March this year, violence against Afghan women hit records. Abuses like forced marriage, and traditions are still all a huge challenge for country. Even if women choose to report abuses it rarely goes anywhere, and what's even worse is that women run the risk of being punished if they report rape.
Please see some of the stories here:
Why has not anything improved since the invasion? Reports show us it is even getting worse than it was before 2001. These numbers are alarming and they indicate that women's rights are not prioritized on the agenda. How can this have happened? Stop by again next week and I will tell you why and how this is!