The man on the picture has just made me a little bit upset. His name is Jan Björklöund and he is the Swedish Minister of Education. Not only does he belong to a political party that I dislike a lot. Anyway, he just introduced a few new reforms he would like to apply to the Swedish school system. There is one thing in particular I think is next to retarded. I will get back to that soon, first I need to tell you how it works now.
Already when you start high school (in Sweden) you sort of make a choice in what you might wanna study or work with after your high school graduation. There are tons of different options. Like me for an example, I studied political science and I decided to also play a lot of music so I added a lot of that to my program. There are a few subjects all students have to study and that is for example Swedish, English, math and so on. So depending on what you study in high school will later sort of determine what you can study later. If you regret the choice you made when you were 15 years old, we have this 'second chance' school called Komvux. This is a place you can go back to after high school and read subjects you did not study before, and or, just get your grades up, (but it is still counted as high school points). So this option has been great for those who already by 15 years of age did not know what they wanted to become or do 10 - 15 years later.
So ok, what this man on the picture wants to do is to take this safety net away from the people. I have no clue how you already by 15 know what you wanna do later in life. Of course there are some people who do know what they wanna do already by 5, but there is probably more of us who are a bit confused and not always thinking that far into the future. I know that I am not doing the things I thought I was going to be doing, at least not when it comes to my education. I have been studying so many things and mixed so many different subjects before I finally discovered what I really wanted to put all my focus on. So all I am saying is that, who is it hurting if people are allowed to change their minds?
Already when you start high school (in Sweden) you sort of make a choice in what you might wanna study or work with after your high school graduation. There are tons of different options. Like me for an example, I studied political science and I decided to also play a lot of music so I added a lot of that to my program. There are a few subjects all students have to study and that is for example Swedish, English, math and so on. So depending on what you study in high school will later sort of determine what you can study later. If you regret the choice you made when you were 15 years old, we have this 'second chance' school called Komvux. This is a place you can go back to after high school and read subjects you did not study before, and or, just get your grades up, (but it is still counted as high school points). So this option has been great for those who already by 15 years of age did not know what they wanted to become or do 10 - 15 years later.
So ok, what this man on the picture wants to do is to take this safety net away from the people. I have no clue how you already by 15 know what you wanna do later in life. Of course there are some people who do know what they wanna do already by 5, but there is probably more of us who are a bit confused and not always thinking that far into the future. I know that I am not doing the things I thought I was going to be doing, at least not when it comes to my education. I have been studying so many things and mixed so many different subjects before I finally discovered what I really wanted to put all my focus on. So all I am saying is that, who is it hurting if people are allowed to change their minds?