tisdag 27 januari 2009

A man was shot on my street last night

It is not the first time this happens in this area of Copenhagen.
When I moved here I was told that Vesterbro is the hipp area of Copenhagen. My first thought was: 'Ahh like the LES or Williamsburg in NYC'. I guess I don't have the same defenition of 'hipp' as others.

I would like to add that this picture was taken long before the crime. Just so you don't think that I look this happy everytime a crime is committed.

So long.

lördag 10 januari 2009


After several months of hard work I finally finished my grad paper.
The paper is about American national identity. I call it 'The Fear of Amexica'

For anyone who has too much time on their hands, check it out here:

'The Fear of Amexica' - A Discourse Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security?s Construction of an American National Identity


The man on the pictures is Guillermo Gómez-Peña, a Cool Mexican, performance artist, writer, activist and educator.